14 Dec 2021

Responsible Investment: Review of Regulatory Expectations - 2021 Update

Our review of global responsible investment regulations has been updated to include developments in 2021.

Globally, there has been a substantial increase in RI regulation. In most RI regulations, disclosure is required rather than prescriptive approaches to implement RI. Global RI regulations increased from less than 50 in 2000 to more than 750 in 2021. The United Nations' Principles for Responsible Investment database has added more than 150 new or revised policies in 2021. At the SBAI, we have responded to many global regulatory consultations on RI and our responses can be found on our ESG Regulatory Engagement webpage.

Asset managers and allocators need to understand the global regulatory landscape now more than ever. This Toolbox Memo provides a global overview of RI regulations and guidance, including enacted and proposed legislation. It looks at these regulations through three perspectives: allocators, investment managers, and issuers.